Offer of Membership


  1. You are cordially invited to join “Altucher’s Inner Circle,” our most elite level of service — RISK-FREE — for LIFE.

  2. Receive FULL, uninterrupted, “VIP Membership” status with extra benefits and recommendations for as long as we publish The Altucher Report.

  3. OUR PRIMARY GOAL is to show you how to live the “choose yourself” lifestyle while multiplying your money 4x faster than any other research service.

  4. Revealed inside our INNER CIRCLE LETTER OF DISCLOSURE below…

    • Receive The Altucher Report FREE for LIFE…

    • Become a VIP with 5 exclusive privileges…

    • And 4 free BONUSES to jumpstart your wealth today.

Dear Reader,

You are receiving this exclusive VIP membership invitation because you’re a loyal reader.

And I’m searching for those of you who are willing to end your reliance on traditional income streams.

Because this invitation isn’t meant for those of you who are simply happy to work 9 to 5 to earn a median income.

In fact, I’m looking for the right reader to join Altucher’s Inner Circle, not just any reader.

So I welcome anyone who’s willing to look outside the box to increase your wealth.

If that’s you, then keep reading…

I’ve prepared a foolproof way for you to increase your wealth over the next 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years and beyond.

You’ll continue to receive all the great research and recommendations you’ve come to expect from The Altucher Report — and be granted special VIP access.

You’ll be entitled to VIP member benefits like… private conference calls with me, special VIP event invitations and extra moneymaking recommendations.

This the #1 way to start building your financial legacy today — one that could sustain your family for generations to come.

It’s a big step. That’s why I’m prepared to make you an unprecedented offer…

Become a VIP and Receive The Altucher Report FREE for LIFE

For a short time, I’m opening the doors to Altucher’s Inner Circle.

When you R.S.V.P. today, you’ll receive analysis and recommendations from The Altucher Report FREE for LIFE.

Never pay a renewal fee.

No membership fees.

No recurring charges, ever.

You’ll simply pay a low, one-time membership fee for exclusive access today.

It’s that simple.

And I’ve worked out an incredible deal for you — which will leave you with no other option than to reply “YES” today.

In fact, I’m prepared to issue you TWO $500 “checks” today to help get you started. (More on this bonus in a moment.)

First, I want to start off by showing you how it’s possible to make 4x more money as a VIP member…

Members ONLY: VIP Conference Calls

conference calls

You see, once per quarter I plan to host a VIP conference call for Altucher’s Inner Circle members ONLY. (These will be in addition to the calls you’re already receiving.)

Each VIP conference call will end with an actionable recommendation. That means you will receive four extra moneymaking picks per year when you become a VIP today.

I intend to reserve my boldest recommendations for my most loyal readers. Because some opportunities are too small and lucrative to share with all 135,113 Altucher Report readers. If I did, this could potentially send the play out of reach for some members.

As a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle, you’ll be guaranteed a spot on the LIVE call for these VIP conference calls — and receive extra trade recommendations for LIFE. Never miss out on a moneymaking idea, ever.

And to give you a taste of what you can come to expect as a VIP member…

I’ve prepared a special VIP report for brand-new Inner Circle members like you to show you how it’s possible to make 4x more money when you upgrade.

Just released…

206% Gain From the Biggest Biotech Breakthrough Before June 30

I’ve just uncovered a tiny biotech company at the front of the race to cure cancer.

Now, I know, you’re probably thinking… there are a lot of companies out there spending big money on cancer research.

Well, here’s what makes this one so special…

This little-known company just proved its cancer drug increases survival rates by 99%!

But there’s even more to be excited about…

This company actually has SEVEN drugs in Phase 3 trials — and that means your investment has multiple opportunities for big growth.

But if you want a chance at the biggest gains, you have to get in before June 30.

I’ve heard whispers through my insider network that big pharma is starting to take notice.

In fact, Pfizer is so confident in this small biotech company that it’s paying big bucks to fund one of its next clinical trials.

This opportunity isn’t going to stay under the radar for long.

And the FDA has a scheduled announcement on June 30 that could send shares soaring 206% or MORE.

If you were to start with a $5,000 investment today, you could be looking at a $15,300 payday on June 30…

…and $10,000 invested could get you $30,600.

You need to act fast.

As soon as you R.S.V.P. “YES” to accept my invitation to Altucher’s Inner Circle today, I’ll send you my special VIP report, How to Get Rich From the Cancer Killer, with all the details on how to profit from this tiny biotech company.


I hope you’re starting to see how lucrative becoming a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle can be.

And you can’t beat all the VIP perks…

Roll out the Red Carpet!

When you become a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle today, you’ll never have to worry about missing out on any special events, recommendations or perks. You’ll be locked in as one of my VIPs for LIFE.

Just recently our web team added a special “VIP Members” section to The Altucher Report website so you’ll always be up-to-date on important news and VIP member information.

Here’s what it’ll look like when you log in …


But there’s more…

You’ll instantly be enrolled in our White Glove Customer Service Program.

Altucher’s Inner Circle is my most elite service, reserved for my most motivated readers. And special readers deserve special treatment.

When you become a member today, you will receive unrestricted access to our on-­demand concierge service.

With this exclusive service you get a “direct line” phone number to your personal concierge. (His name is Brad he’s a die-hard Ravens fan, smart as a whip and one of the friendliest guys you’ll ever meet.)

If you ever have a question about receiving your latest alerts, special reports, books and other incredible benefits that come along with your membership today… you have a direct line to Brad.

No frustrating menus telling you to “press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish.” No cheesy elevator music. Just a straight line to Brad — whose only job is to make you happy.

Keep in mind: Brad can’t offer any personalized investing advice. But any questions you have about your membership that he can’t answer himself will be passed right to me.

I could easily charge $250 a year for this member benefit alone. But you’re going to receive it for FREE as a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle.

You’ll also instantly be enrolled in our Legacy Program which allows you to name a family member as your beneficiary to this VIP membership.

With this program, your loved ones will also benefit from the decision you’re making today. They’ll continue to receive investment ideas and strategies even after you’re gone. They’ll inherit your membership so the family nest egg can stay protected and grow for generations to come.


As a special “sign-on bonus,” I’d like to ship you a FREE copy of my bestselling book, Choose Yourself!: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream.


Because everything we thought was “safe,” no longer is: College. Employment. Retirement. Government. It’s all crumbling down.

Just listen to what some people are saying about the book…

It’s a dire warning about the future, and a guide to the unlimited possibilities available to all of us. It’s inspiring, courageous and a forceful call to action. I couldn’t put it down, reading it from beginning to end in less than a day. -A. Watson

You could absolutely read this book, toss it aside and forget all about it. But, I bet you won’t, because what Altucher does best is give you a way, and invites you to give yourself permission to do something else, be something more, create something new and connect with other people in a meaningful way. -B. Foster

Times are changing and there’s no going back to the original “American Dream.” So what is one to do in this new age with its seemingly foreboding economic twilight? Altucher has an answer — an answer imbued with a strong and genuine optimism. -A. Z. Banda

People are paying $10 for this book on Amazon right now. But I will mail you a FREE hardcover copy of this 259-page book when you become a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle today.

It’s my gift to you.

Now, with all the extra content, freebies and special VIP perks you’re going to receive… I bet you’re beginning to wonder how much this membership is going to cost.


When I first proposed Altucher’s Inner Circle to my publisher, he wanted to charge $1,000 per year for this service.

And frankly, I agree.

You’re getting extra recommendations, VIP conference calls, special invitations, free books, special reports and much, much more as a VIP member.

But I realized not everyone has that kind of money… yet. And if I could help you make more money as a VIP, you’d encourage others to follow my work.

So my publisher and I came up with a special deal.

As I mentioned, I’ve arranged for you to receive TWO $500 “checks” today…

Here’s $1,000 to Kickstart Your Wealth

When you act today and become a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle, you’ll immediately get a $500 “check” to cash in…


You don’t have to do anything. I’ll immediately apply this $500 “check” to your one-time membership fee today.

But it gets even better…

As you may know, I publish a few other premium investment research letters… Altucher’s Crypto Trader, Altucher’s Secret Income and Altucher’s Top 1%. New subscribers to these services are THRILLED to get in at $3,000 per year for each of these services.

However… I have an unprecedented offer for you…

When you become a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle today, you’ll be given a $500 “check” to cash in anytime on any one of these premium research services.

I’ll email you a copy of this “check” as soon as you become a VIP member.

All you have to do to cash it in is call up Brad, your personal concierge, and he’ll sign you on for the new service of your choice. You can even call him today and cash it in on a premium research service right away!

Check 2

Keep this check for as long as you want. It never expires.

I hope you’re starting to see the type of VIP treatment you can come to expect as a member of Altucher’s Inner Circle.

Now, to recap, here’s all you’ll receive when you become a VIP member today…

  • Lifetime membership to The Altucher Report: Low, one-time membership fee — NO FEES ever again.

  • VIP BENEFIT #1 - Quarterly Conference Calls: Once per quarter, I will host a call to go over what’s happening in the markets and with our VIP portfolio. Each call includes a new, VIP member recommendation.

  • VIP BENEFIT #2 - Lifetime Website Access: Always stay up to date on VIP events, reports and more on this special tab.

  • VIP BENEFIT #3 - White Glove Customer Service: Receive your own VIP liaison, Brad, who’s ready and waiting to answer your most pressing member questions.

  • VIP BENEFIT #4 - Legacy Program: Pass on your membership so your family legacy can continue to grow.

  • VIP BENEFIT #5 - Front-Row Seat: You’re guaranteed a special invite to any Altucher’s Inner Circle VIP event I host in the future.

  • BONUS #1 - FREE VIP Report, How to Get Rich From the Cancer Killer: My detailed analysis on how to profit on the biggest biotech breakthrough company of 2018.

  • BONUS #2 - FREE hardcover copy of my book, Choose Yourself!: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream: Learn how to jumpstart your financial future.

  • BONUS #3 - $500 Sign-on “Check”: Immediately applied to your one-time membership fee today.

  • BONUS #4 - $500 Premium Service “Check”: Keep this to use towards any premium service I launch now or in the future.

fam shot

And much more to come!

This is a brand-new membership program — so there’s no telling what type of benefits I’ll add down the road that you’ll instantly be granted.

Plus, I’ve removed all the risk…

I 100% guarantee you’ll love this VIP membership, or you get all your money back. Because I don’t want you to agree to anything you’re not ready for today.

That’s why, if for any reason you’re not completely happy with this upgrade, you can simply call Brad and request a refund. NO questions asked.

You’ll have 60 days to review everything RISK-FREE.

And you get to keep everything you’ve been promised here today… my FREE book, special VIP report, and even the $500 “check” towards one of my premium research services.

Those are all gifts — and you keep them no matter what.

However, there’s just one catch…

I Can Only Allow 100 Readers
Access to Altucher's Inner Circle Today

I’m keeping this invite list small — and the general public will never see this rare opportunity.

I hope I’ve pegged you right and you’re ready to “choose yourself” today to secure your financial future.

If that’s you, then let’s get down to business…

As I said, my publisher wanted to charge $1,000 per year for Altucher’s Inner Circle.

However, I went to bat for you and worked out an amazing deal…

When you cash in your $500 “check” today, you’ll instantly receive a 75% discount on your one-time membership fee.

That means you pay only $250 today to become a VIP member of Altucher’s Inner Circle for LIFE!

And remember, when you become a member today you’ll never pay another fee ever again for The Altucher Report!

No yearly renewal fees.

No maintenance fee.

No automatic charges, ever.

It’s mind-blowing that I convinced my publisher to give you 75% off today.

And I suspect we are going to fill all 100 membership spots very quickly today. Once they’re spoken for, that’s it.

Please, don’t let the spot I’ve reserved for you go to someone else.


The way I see it, you have two choices…

OPTION #1: You can forget you ever saw this message and continue to watch everyone else get rich instead of choosing yourself today.

OPTION #2: You can click the “R.S.V.P. NOW” button below to become a VIP member of Altucher’s Inner Circle and learn how your life, and your bank account, could change forever.

I have a feeling, since you’re already a loyal member of The Altucher Report, you’re the kind of person I’m looking for to join my inner circle.

Remember, we’re not looking for any member, we’re looking for the right member.

If that’s you, click the “R.S.V.P. NOW” button before it’s too late. Remember, I can only allow 100 readers access today. And I suspect those spots will fill up as early as tomorrow morning.

Once we fill up, that’s it. NO exceptions.

Please take action now while there’s still time.



james sig

James Altucher

Founder, Altucher’s Inner Circle

P.S. Oh and one more thing…

If you know me, you know I’m crazy about cryptocurrencies. And there’s never been a better time to get started investing in them.

That’s why I just released a special VIP-members-only report, The Crypto Glitch That Could Help You Make 25 Times Your Money.

You see, there’s a little-known “glitch” allowing anyone to buy a popular cryptocurrency that usually costs close to $400 for just $15 right now.

When you act in the next 24 hours, I’ll include this report for FREE.

You don’t want to miss it.

Please, don’t let this incredible opportunity get away from you. We could have to close the doors as early as tomorrow as spots fill up.


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